Tuesday 24 January 2017

French Update

This unit of Histoires en action! builds upon the foundation that is established throughout the previous units.The play for this unit is based on an original story, Le bistro des animaux. In this story, the animals are constantly arguing because each believes that s/he is the best.  Louis la grenouille, a character that appeared in a previous story, sees the animals and wants to help. He visits his friend, Alice, to ask her opinion about this dilemma and she suggests that they design a common goal for all the animals.  They decide to invite the animals to be part of a project to build a café where eventually all of them will be able to eat, sing,  and have fun together. Each animal is approached by either Louis or Alice and all think that this is a wonderful idea. Initially, they are not told that the other animals are participating in the project. When they later realize that they are actually working together, the animals begin to consider the important qualities that each has to offer and, instead of fighting over their differences, they begin to appreciate them.
1- We introduced the characters of story (Le bistro des animaux):

Le narrateur
Grand Éléphant
Beau Lion
Madame Souris
Louis la grenouille
Alice l’Alligator.
2- We started a new vocabulary 

 Le / un bistro
l’/un éléphant
la/ une souris
l’/ un alligator
se bat
l’ énergie
le/un câble
la/une cuisine
le/un bol
a l’air de
le/un café
allons-y !
la/une boule

3- We started to read the story (part one)
 I read the play with the whole class (we repeat several times words that I notice are mispronounced by students).
I point to the words as I read them for weaker students to follow.
I stop and ask questions for clarification from time to time. 

You find attached the Bistro-cahier ( the story ,  all activities , list of vocabulary  page 32 , les marionnettes, songs ...)

Have you children read the story everyday.

Jazakoum allah khairan

French teacher coordinator

Friday 20 January 2017

Science Quiz

ScienceQuiz - Wednesday, January 25

Study textbook p. 4 to 11
and worksheets p. 21 to 24

Tr. Dina

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Word Watch Assignment due Tuesday, January 24

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

Please be reminded that the Word Watch assignment for Grades 5/6 is due on Tuesday, January 24. The students will be expected to complete the assigned tasks for 25 new vocabulary words found in their novel for the Novel Study Unit.  Thanks for your ongoing support.

Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Tr. Salma

Review for Arabic Test on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 (Tr. Nesreen)

Curved Up Ribbon: اختبار القراءة


إلى الأهالي الكرام:
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

سيعقد اختبار القراءة للغة العربية للصف السادس في يوم الثلاثاء القادم الموافق 24/1/2017 بمشيئة الله.  سيتم الاختبار في الدروس التالية:  
بين صديقين , تجربة طريفة, و القنبرة و الفيل .
تمت دراستها و مراجعتها, و معاني الكلمات التي في الكتاب, و الأسئلة التالية من التمرين الأول ( أجيب  عن الأسئلة ) .
ملاحظة: ( تم حل جميع الأسئلة في دفتر اللغة العربية للطالب أو الكتاب).
عند تسجيل علامة الطالب , سيؤخذ بعين الاعتبار المهارات التالية:
مستوى التقويم
مهارات التقويم
         4            3              2                1
القراءة الصحيحة للكلمات و الجمل
         4            3              2                1
التهجئة الصحيحة للحركات
4            3              2                1
سرعة القراءة
                     4            3              2                1    
فهم معاني المفردات
         4            3              2                1
فهم و استيعاب النص و الإجابة عن الأسئلة الموجهة

مع تمنياتي لتلاميذي الأعزاء كل النجاح و التوفيق. و جزاكم الله خيرا لحسن تعاونكم.

معلمة اللغة العربية
نسرين زاهده

Friday 13 January 2017

Grade 6 Math Test on January 17

Grade 6 Math Test on Tuesday Jan 17th

Multiples/Factors/primes & Composite numbers
Multiplication by 1000 and 10 000
Multiplying by two-digit numbers
Long Division
Decimal multiplication
Dividing decimals by one digit numbers
Order of operations
Divisibility rules (2,3,4,5,9,10)

WORD WATCH assignment due January 24

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

We will beginning the new year with our novel study unit on Carl Haissen's novel, Hoot.  Please ensure that your child takes good care of the novel that he/she has been assigned as he/she is responsible to return it in the same condition or a fee will be applied.  In addition, please encourage your child to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day.

Our first assignment for the novel is a WORD WATCH vocabulary assignment which is due on Tuesday, January 24.  Please remind students to work on the assignment gradually as it will be too large of a task to complete in one night if they leave it to the night before it's due!  Thanks for your ongoing support and cooperation.  I look forward to working with your children in the next term.

Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Tr. Salma

Arabic Test for Tr. Sahar's class on January 18

Message for Tr. Sahar's Grade 6 Arabic Class:
The students will have Arabic test on  (  أساعد أمي  )  Page  28 -29 -30- 31  we 18/1/2017.

Tr. Sahar