Wednesday 21 May 2014

Return ALL Library Books by May 30th

Dear Parents, 
Assalamu Alaikum

It just seems like yesterday when we were all getting ready to greet the students on the first day of school. Now, June is just around the corner. Time has flown by, subhanAllah!

Please take note that the school library will be closing its student services starting Monday, June 2, 2014. For this reason, we would ask that all the students bring back their library book(s) no later than Friday, May 30, 2014. Please remind your child to bring his or her library book(s) before the deadline.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian
70 Fieldrow Street

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Engineering Day May 22

Alsalamo Alikom dear parents

Inshaa'Allah on Thursday, May 22nd Grade 6 will be having an activity to construct a free standing tower from a combination of newspapers and popsicle sticks.
The winner is the group that has the highest freestanding tower.
Inshaa'Allah all the students will enjoy the activity :)

   Tr. Rania Abdeldaim
   Grade 6  homeroom teacher
   Abraar School

French Update from Tr. Said

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

   You find below what we did in the French class .

1- We practiced a new gestured vocabulary :

la/une lune
le tennis
le golf

2- We continue to read the story(part two)

4- play rehearsal
 viewing play on video/DVD and questions based on the story.

5- we did the following activities related to story ( Le bistro des animaux)

choisis le bon mot
mets les mots en ordre
les phrases coupées
les mots qui riment
les questions totales
les questions partielles

6- double verb constructions/les infinitifs.

7- play total questions(oral and written).

8- selecting play rehearsal groups.

9- gesturing the play.

10- target gesture review ( les contraires)

Jazakoum allah khairan


Monday 19 May 2014

Spirit Day May 23

Assalamu alaikum,

This is to inform you that we will have an Abraar School Spirit Day on Friday, May 23.
The students will be permitted to wear funky glasses if they bring a contribution to the
Sadaqa Food Bank, insha Allah.  We encourage all students to participate and help out
the local Muslim community!

Jazakum Allahu khairan

Sunday 11 May 2014

Social Studies Test May 15

Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that both 6A and 6B will have a Social Studies test on Thursday, May 15, insha Allah.
The test will be on the first contact between European Explorers and First Nations peoples.  Everything we have covered since The Vikings will be on the test.  Please ensure that your son/daughter prepares for this as the end of the year is close and all evaluations will make up the final grade for Social Studies.

Thank you for your continued help and support.
Tr. Salma

Thursday 1 May 2014

Grade 6 Graduation Pictures May 5

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

Graduation Pictures for Grade 6 students will be taken on
May 5.  Please ensure that students come to school with proper 
attire for the photo.

Boys:  White collared shirt with tie
Girls:  White collared shirt

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Tr. Salma