Friday 1 November 2013

Social Studies Research Questions

Dear Parents,

Here is a list of research questions that students must answer (in point form) for Monday.

Imports and Exports Social Studies Research Project
Using the internet, answer the following questions.
Please make note of all the resources you have used along with providing the following information for each website you used: Author, Organization, publisher and date of resource creation.

1.       What are the benefits of manufacturing goods inside Canada?

2.       What are the drawbacks of manufacturing goods outside of Canada?

3.       List the reasons why Canada should manufacture goods outside Canada.

4.       List the reasons why Canada should manufacture goods inside Canada.

5.       List the product and services that Canada imports from other countries.  (Write the product/service in one column and in the other column write the Country’s name).

6.       List the product and services that Canada exports to other countries.  (Write the product/service in one column and in the other column write the Country’s name).

Best regards,
Tr. Ghadeer

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