Sunday, 30 March 2014

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

As the year progresses, many of the students' school supplies are depleting.  As a result, many students in Grade 6 are coming to class unprepared to work.  This leads to delays and disruptions during class time as students search for supplies or borrow from friends.  Since there are still three months of school remaining, it is essential that ALL students bring the required supplies to class, insha Allah.  Please check with your child to find out what they may need to work more productively at school.  Some suggested materials are:

  • pencils
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • erasers
  • coloured pencils
  • tissue
In addition, I have asked that each student provide a box of tissue for the class as we have run out during this crucial "Cold Season" time.  I appreciate your assistance with regard to this important issue.  Thank you in advance for your support.

Happy Spring!
Tr. Salma

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Abraar Science Fair 2014 Results

Congratulation to grades 5 and 6 students for the outstanding presentations they have 
displayed during the recent Science Fair. The judges, from Ottawa and Carleton 
Universities, were impressed with the students' self-confidence and oral communication skills.  The results are posted below:

Abraar School Science Fair Cup: Sama’a Salama

Abraar School Science Fair categories awards:

Discovery: Hafsa Hasan

Energy: Omar Koujok

Environment: Khadije Ramadan

Health: Amro Habash

Information: Misbah Zahid, Maryam Hashmi

Innovation: Ryan Musa

Monday, 24 March 2014

Learning Skills Assessment for March 24 - April 7

Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents,

I will be assessing the Learning Skill, "Self-Regulation" during the next two weeks.  This refers to the following:

  • Sets individual goals and monitors progress towards those goals.
  • Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
  • Assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs and interests.
  • Identifies learning opportunities, choices and strategies to achieve goals.
  • Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.   
These skills are essential to student success, especially as your child approaches the Intermediate years in Grades 7 & 8.  Please read over these expectations with your child and help him/her determine the areas in which improvement is required.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tr. Salma

Friday, 21 March 2014

Grade 6A/6B French Spelling Test

Assalamu alaikum,

This is a reminder to Grade 6B and 6A students that the upcoming Spelling  test will be on
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

You find below the List 1  .
le/ un bistro
l' / un éléphant
la/ une souris                               
l'/un alligator
se bat
le / un câble
la/une cuisine
le/un bol
a l'air de
le/un café
la/une boule

Tr. Said
Jazakoum Allah khairan

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Math Test Update for Class 6B

Assalamu alaikum,

This is a reminder to Grade 6B students that the upcoming Math Test will be postponed to Tuesday, April 1. Please note, the 6A Math Test will still take place on Monday, March 31, 2014.

Thank you for your understanding,
Tr. Rania

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Upcoming Math Test for 6A & 6B

Alsalamo Alikom Dear Parents        

Alhamdullillah we are done with chapter 12. It was a very important chapter about Fractions, Decimal, Ratios, and Percentages.

Alhamdullillah students now are able to relate and compare fractions, decimals, and percents.
They are able to identify, model, and apply ratios in various situations.
They are able to represent relationships using unit rates and solve problems using a guess and test strategy.

Inshaa'Allah we will have our test on chapter 12 next Monday March 31st.

Jazakom Allah Khairan for your cooperation.

Tr. Rania Abdeldaim
Grade 6  homeroom teacher

Social Studies Project Due Thursday, March 20

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

I wanted to remind students in both 6A and 6B that the Social Studies project is due on Thursday, March 20, 2014.  The project is on one of the four Canadian explorers discussed in class.  Please be sure to hand them in on time!

Tr. Salma
S.S. Teacher

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Upcoming French Test for Grade 6 Students

Assalam alaikoum dear parents,
Student will have a French test  this Thursday,March 20,2014 ( possessive adjectives)

Possessive adjectives 

  The possessive adjectives (les adjectifs possessifs). In French, they agree with the following noun. But in the plural, there is no difference between masculine and feminine.
 Masculine Audio. Press to listen!Feminine Audio. Press to listen!Plural Audio. Press to listen!
his, her, itssonsases
  • C'est le chat de Marie ; c'est son chat.
  • Mon père travaille dur.
  • Nous avons trouvé tes chaussures.
  • Nous gardons leurs enfants.
  • C'est notre père.
Jazakoum Allah khairan.
French Teacher

Thursday, 6 March 2014

French Update from Tr. Said

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

You find below what we did in the class Fev 24 to Fev 28.  :

1-  We introduced the characters of story( Le Bistro des animaux) :
   *  Le grand Éléphant
   *  Mme Souris
   *  Beau Lion
    *  Louis la Grenouille  
     *  Alice l'Alligateur
2- We started a new gestured vocabulary

le/ un bistro
l' / un éléphant
la/ une souris
l'/un alligator
se bat
le / un câble
la/une cuisine
le/un bol
a l'air de
le/un café
la/une boule

3- We started to read the story.

4- play rehearsal
 viewing play on video/DVD and questions

Jazakoum allah khairan


French Teacher